Kaolin is a white clay composed of the mineral kaolinite. It is formed during the destruction (weathering) of granites, gneisses and other rocks containing feldspars (primary kaolins). The structure of kaolinite consists of layers, or sheets of tetrahedral, built from SiO4 tetrahedra; and octahedral AlO6. The combination of layers forms an elementary package, the combination of n elementary packages forms a kaolinite plate.
Due to its main properties: high refractoriness, low plasticity and binding ability, kaolin has found its application in the production of:
- rubber and plastics, foundations for roofing materials;
- ceramics - porcelain, faience, fine, electrical ceramics;
- ultramarine,
- paper - coated paper, cardboard,
- perfumery products (under the name "white clay").

ALNOVOL PN 760. Modified novolac resins used in rubber compounds as an adhesion promoter for steel and textile cords. Used to improve adhesion / aging characteristics. They do not contain resorcinol, and provide a low level of fumes and odor in the processing of rubber, improve the properties of aging, degradation and ecology. Introduced at the first stage of compounding, non-self-crosslinking.
Cyrez® 964 and 965. Hexamethoxymethymelamine resins are cross-linking agents for resorcinol and novolac resins. Acts as an adhesion promoter, curing agent and cross-linking agent. An additional advantage is that they are not corrosive to steel cord, polyester cord or metal moulds. This property is important when considering adhesion promoters. Provides maximum rubber adhesion and optimum traction.
ALNOVOL UF 410. Solvent-free carbamide resin on silica, combining the properties of a processing and reinforcing system. Their function is to reduce the viscosity of the joint, improve the hardness and adhesion to the industrial yarn, and can be used as a replacement for processing oil in connections with cord nylon, anid, polyester fabric, while maintaining favorable processing characteristics. Due to the silica carrier, a clear solution is not possible.
ALNOVOL® PN 160 is a non-self-curing phenolic novolac resin. This product is suitable for reinforcing natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, EPDM rubber and nitrile rubber. Alnovol ® PN 160 is easily absorbed by the rubber compound and has a strong plasticizing effect.

Silica ZC-185P. inorganic chemical compound
universal application, widely used for reinforcement
polymers in the production of shoes, rubberized rollers and tires. Thanks to
large specific surface, it provides high efficiency
reinforcement when used in the production of rubber products.
Silicon dioxide increases hardness, abrasion resistance and strength
material to break, which allows to extend the service life of rubber products.
Silica ZC-120P. inorganic chemical compound
universal application, widely used for reinforcement
polymers in the production of rubber seals, strips for gaskets
accumulators, rubber membranes for hydraulic accumulators,
conveyor belts, tires, etc.

VULCAN and PROPEL grade carbon black is a reinforcing agent used to improve the machinability, strength, and durability of elastomer-based materials in automobile tires.
The carbon blacks in these families are designed to give tire manufacturers every opportunity to improve the following properties of their finished products:
- ultra-high resistance to cuts and chips;
- tear and abrasion resistance;
- high tensile strength;
- rolling resistance;
- grip and handling;
- protector durability.

Резино-технические изделия
Материалы для траков и конвеЙЕрных лент
Технический углерод (сажа) марок семейства ENDURE для промышленных резиновых технических изделий применяют в производстве материалов, работающих в тяжелых условиях эксплуатации, приводящих к значительному износу.
Использование сажи данных марок обеспечивает выполнение требований к производительности, способствуют высокой долговечности, стойкости к истиранию и разрывам, снижению электро-сопротивления. Данные продукты эффективно сочетают механические, электрические и термические свойства, обеспечивая высокое качество готового изделия для потребителей.
В конвейерных лентах снижение гистерезиса в резиновой смеси способствует уменьшению энергопотребления, что значительно экономит энергии и эксплуатационные расходы.
В резиновых траках и мельничных вкладышах уменьшение гистерезиса способствует продлению срока службы деталей.
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